When your day starts out with your two year old pooping in the bathtub 5 minutes before you have to leave for the doctor's office, you would think things could only go up from there. Not s'much.
I've heard about this universal phenomenon that all mothers experience at one time or another...sort of a rite of passage into motherhood. I was hoping to avoid it as I don't really love cleaning up poopy messes and whatnot. But today was my day. I wish I could say that I handled things well and kept my cool, but I didn't. At. All.
After not-so-gracefully handling the poop situation, re-cleaning James, dressing him and dashing out the door for the doctor's office, I sat through 30 minutes of explaining to James that Honey and Raine were on vacation and we would be seeing a different doctor and nurse. He decided to go ahead and throw a fit anyways when a different doctor and nurse came into to see him. "Where's the Honey?!?!?!" "RAINE!!!!!!!!!!!!" Oh Lord.
So we got a strep test, flu test...both negative...then went to the hospital to get some blood work done. I am building up a rather expansive dictionary of words NOT to say to the pediatrician so as to avoid causing alarm and having to go to the hospital for blood work.
Jude had a good day though! He got to spend some time with Nana and Aunt Christi all by himself. And he even let me take a nap since I was up all night with his big brother!