James woke up today with a 102 temperature. So not any better. This picture about sums up how he feels.
Or maybe this one.
It's pretty sad when even The Dinosaur Train can't hold his attention. Poor baby.
Thankfully I have George to babysit Jude for me so I can see to James.
He always sticks pretty close to him. Maybe it has something to do with them both being the smallest ones in the house.
Later I asked Mom to come over and sit with the boys so I could escape...I mean run to the grocery store.
You know that scene in The Sound of Music where Fraulein Maria busts out across an open field with arms waving, swirling around, skirt twirling, singing and the top of her lungs, and just flat out bubbling over with joy????
Yeh I didn't do that but I sure felt like it. I am too sleep deprived to even put on sensible clothes, much less run and flail. But make no mistake...I was bubbling over with joy...it was just a very subdued bubble.
After that nice little break I stared at this sweet little face for awhile.
Then he did this.
Whatchoo talkin' bout Willis?
And just a little side note: My incredible husband has offered to take the night feedings from tonight through the weekend so I can catch up on some sleep. He's awesome! Even if he doesn't like my Christmas cookies.
Thankfully I have George to babysit Jude for me so I can see to James.
Later I asked Mom to come over and sit with the boys so I could escape...I mean run to the grocery store.

After that nice little break I stared at this sweet little face for awhile.

And just a little side note: My incredible husband has offered to take the night feedings from tonight through the weekend so I can catch up on some sleep. He's awesome! Even if he doesn't like my Christmas cookies.