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Any guess on what James had for a snack today????

If you guessed "blueberries" you would be correct. His fingers are still stained purple. Which begs the question...why aren't they called purpleberries? Moving on.

James has been quite adorable today.

And quite contemplative.

I think he's teething. Molars maybe? We'll see.

Our favorite part of the day is after dinner when we both spend some quality time with Jamesie. He is an absolute delight.


Wendy said…
love blueberries! And when they aren't in season anymore, the frozen ones go over just as well at my house!
Celee said…
I'm so jealous you can take videos. I followed Lucie around with a camera today and go so many adorable pictures. I'll be posting the sequences over the next couple of days. I'd love to be able to capture her "live", but it is not to be.