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Poison Control Center

Today we did our normal Sunday routine...lunch at Mom and Dad's. Fun and delish as always!

James played peek-a-boo with Papa.Always a winner!And Papa took some pity on him and broke the no-snack rule. He gave him some fudge, fruit cake and divinity.Papa's and Nana's are allowed to do that. But they're the only ones.

Then he took a few spins in the toy basket.And by the way...that precious adoring look is aimed at his Papa.

But after a day of exiguous eating on James' part, I gave him another full bottle loaded down with vitamins and instant breakfast powder before I put him to bed. I give him those enfamil vitamins that come with a little dropper. In my opinion, the dropper is faulty because it fills up with the vitamins and allows you to accidentally suck up twice as much vitamin as you are supposed to give. So after putting James to bed I read on the side of the vitamin bottle the warning that says the leading cause of death by overdose among children under six is from iron overdose. Good to know. So the double dose of iron combined with the iron in the instant breakfast caused me to have a heart attack. Seriously, I got dizzy and my heart started racing. I called the poison control center and the sweet lady did the math and told me he was going to be ok. I double checked her with my brother-in-law Andy who is a doctor. He concurred.So after nearly dying, I dove head-first into a container of divinity my Mom sent home with me. Nervous eater you know. Nothing like thinking you might have overdosed your kid on vitamins. Now I am wishing I could have one of those gastric lavage things I read about online in my frenzied overdose search.

Is there a pill for over-reactive moms?


Anonymous said…
Hahaha. There was a House episode about a little boy who overdosed on iron. Scary stuff.