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Jamesie loves his ducks. He REALLY loves them...especially those tiny ones. They are just the right size for his little hands and mouth. Just thought you should know.

Last night I told you that James was running a fever. This presented a problem because Karin (sister-in-law) is being induced tomorrow morning and we were supposed to keep Addi (niece) for awhile. So this morning I called our doc and took James in this afternoon. Sure enough the poor little guy has tonsillitis and possibly strep...we're waiting for the lab results. So needless to say we aren't able to keep Addi because we don't want to get her sick and risk getting the new baby sick as well.

James didn't get sick for his first 11 months. And in the last 3 months since then he has had tonsillitis or strep 3 or 4 times. Poor little guy. I hate it for him. This evening before dinner he barfed. Oddly enough, just this morning, I had thought about how I had never had to deal with a pukey kid. Then tonight...puke...all over our comforter. Poor baby. I handled it better than I expected I would. Brad gagged. Very nearly puked himself.

This is James and Addi yesterday before he got sick. And part of the very pregnant Karin to the far left.
Hopefully by this time tomorrow James will have a new little cousin! Can't wait to meet her!


Celee said…
I'm so sorry James is sick AGAIN! I know how frustrated you are! This, too, really will pass.