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Holidays and Honeymoons

Know what I love about Christmastime...aside from celebrating my Savior's birth of course? I LOVE getting Christmas cards in the mail. Especially the ones with pictures. (So if I am not on your Christmas card list....please include me!) And today I got my first Christmas card of the season. Really...for me it is like getting a present. My dear friend Susan always gets her card out early! And they are always good ones with pictures and stuff. And this year she included a precious personal note. I just love her! SO...I cleared off the cork board in our kitchen and tacked it right up! It made me so cheerful! Then I called the photo studio right away and made an appointment to get our Christmas pictures made. Yikes! I'm behind!

And these pictures really have nothing to do with Christmas cards or anything but they are just of James at snack time today and I thought he looked cute and chubby.He was eating cookies for his snack.Mini vanilla wafers to be exact.With milk. In case you wondered.

So later I was busy organizing stuff in our "office" and James was busy unorganizing it as fast as he could. But he unearthed 3 cd's of our honeymoon pictures which I thought were lost for good. I was so thrilled! So I decided to make you look at them! Sorry.

For our honeymoon we went to two different spas. One in Santa Fe and one in Taos. Then, on our way home we went to see my sister and brother-in-law at the cabin near Angel Fire. It was the perfect trip!

On our wedding day I weighed a glorious 98 pounds. So needless to say by the time we got to our honeymoon I was hungry. Starving actually. I didn't stop eating from the time we left Amarillo until...well...I still haven't stopped but nevermind that. Anyhow, Brad knew of this delicious pizza place in Santa Fe and we walked there and got a pizza. It was delicious.
This was in the lounge of the hotel. There was an awesome singer. We bought his cd. And we've only listened to it once.

This was the next day after a couples massage. I look like a limp noodle so relaxed I was.
Somehow this picture made it onto the honeymoon cd. I don't really know why. But it makes me laugh. Our wedding was in my parent's beautiful back yard. We joked because Carrie and Mom were so busy making everything beautiful on the wedding day and Christi and I were just in the way. They finally sent us inside to clean windows and mud they (perhaps intentionally) tracked in on the carpet.

After Santa Fe we went to Taos and stayed at the El Monte Sagrado. After spending 2 seconds there we wished we had spent our entire honeymoon there. It is the most magnificent spa/resort ever. Beautiful.

They have these little "casitas". The one we stayed in was called the "Tribal Suite" and it was just adorable and lovely. I can't wait to go back!

The El Monte is a leader in alternative energy as well as having a commitment to sustainability for the environmentally conscious...if you are into that sort of thing.
And besides all of that, it is so fabulously beautiful and peaceful you will never ever want to check out.

After Taos we went to the cabin to see my sister and her family. It was just the cherry on top of a fabulous honeymoon!
When we got there Christi had the cd of the music from our wedding playing. We cooked out, made smores, relaxed, talked and had a marvelous time. Those are some of my favorite memories.
This was a totally random post. Sorry about that.


Erin said…
Oh no! You stole my idea! Actually, how could you steal it when you didn't know about it...but never mind. :P Tomorrow is our anniversary and I was planning to do a big long mushy blog (or several) with wedding and honeymoon pics. Ah well. Now it will just look like I am a copycat again! Hehe :)

98 friggin pounds. Last time I weighed 98 pounds I was 10 years old. I weighed 122 on our wedding day and I was extremely skinny! You are just a tiny petite girl, and I'm a big water buffalo. I will never see 122 again. 135 is my goal weight...that's a size 4/6 for me.

I will just have to live vicariously through your skinny adventures. :)
Celee said…
How fun to remember! I remember we didn't have Wyatt yet and I was holding one of your little nephews wondering what it would be like to have another little guy of my own soon.

I'll definitely put you on my Christmas list. Not sure I have your address, yet.