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Friday Night Lights

Last night Brad and I went to the storage unit to get our Christmas decorations. This morning I put them up. But before I did, James used the tubs to practice his crawling up and climbing skills.He was awfully proud of himself.But when it came time to get down, he was a little wary.It mostly consisted of a sort of squat/fall/roll thing. Then he would get back up and try the whole thing again. About 10 more times.

But I got all of the decorations up so we are officially ready for Christmas. I didn't put up the big tree room. But I did put these up?Yes, they are pink, they have no decorations, and they are scrawny but they fit on the mantel and they count as a Christmas tree so I don't have any motherly guilt about James not having a Christmas tree this year.

But tonight was one of the greatest Friday nights ever. After Brad got home from work we went and ate at our favorite restaurant, El Tejevan. Then we went to the mall and did a little Christmas shopping. After that we went to Roaster's and got drinks...we love to go there...that's where we met a million years long ago that Brad actually remembers me as wearing Keds the first time he saw me. Do you remember Keds? Then you know how long ago that was that they were in style. I hate to mention that he also remembers that I was wearing a dress with them. And I'm not even a Mennonite. But I digress. Where was I going with this? Oh yeh...we went and got coffees...well...he got a coffee and I got a hot apple cider...then we drove around listening to Christmas music and looking at Christmas lights. It was so wonderful!

There is this one house that puts up 90bazillion lights and sets it to music. You can tune in your radio to the right channel and the lights flash along to the music. It's so cute.Now Brad and I are all snuggled down watching While You Were Sleeping. Good end to a great day!
