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What Lies Above

I know, I know...enough with the sleeping baby thing...but I can't help myself. It's an enslavement...a addiction. What the world needs is more pictures of sleeping babies.

Psalm4:8 I will lie down and sleep in peace, for You alone o Lord make me dwell in safety.


After being here for however many weeks we've been here we finally realized that James' room isn't getting any heat. Poor frozen little baby. So Brad called maintenance (love it!) and voila! Problem solved! But while Albert was here working on our heater I had to contain the babies to keep them out of his way. The most effective way I could think of to accomplish this was to quickly trap them in the play pen. I threw a couple of sippy cups, some animal crackers and a few toys at them and they were content. More than content. They were precious and adorable and quiet. Lovely. They don't really care where they are or what they are doing so long as the other one is close by. It's so sweet.But more importantly it left me time to go bug the repair man and find out what exactly is in the mysterious compartment above my bathtub. Since we've lived here I've often stared up at the scary door that's bolted shut and wondered what atrocities were kept up there that I knew not of. I've sort of let my mind run a little wild. One night while I was taking a bath I swore I heard people up in there. I thought it must be an attic of some sort and I was unfortunate enough to have the door to it above my tub. Hmmm...sort of hard to get a picture of.

But let me back up and tell you why this is so troublesome to me. Baths are something sort of sacred and holy to me. When I used to work I would come home and "wash the day off". Brad knows this is a time to leave me alone. It's a time to regroup and regain a sense of calm and contentedness. My friend Jenniffer used to give me a hard time because even when I was single and would stay at their house until all hours of the night (or next morning) I would still go home and take a bath. She would call to tell me something vitally important that she had forgotten to tell me during the 12 hours I was at her house and would make fun of me because I was soaking in a bubble bath instead of going to bed. did I get off on that? Oh....the weird space above my tub. It's really unappealing and I've hidden it with some pretty curtains, but it's still there. And I hate it. So when Albert was all up in the tub today...desecrating my shrine with muddy boots and tools and whatnot...I took a moment to find out what was in there.

It is just a motor sort of thing. So anticlimactic. It's not skeletons and bugs and dead rats like I imagined. It's ugly and full of wires and wiry looking things. He tried to explain it all to me but I became altogether distracted when I saw the mess he had made in the tub. Despair. It made me feel a little better that he at least tried to clean it up. But still...a very thorough cleaning will be required tomorrow to get it back to an acceptable place to unwind at the end of the day.

But...the heater is repaired. James is sleeping warmly. And I don't have to fear what lies above anymore.


Isaiah 41:10, 13 Don't be afraid. I am with you. Don't tremble with fear. I am your God. I will make you strong, as I protect you with my arm and give you victories. I am the Lord your God. I am holding your hand, so don't be afraid. I am here to help you.


Erin said…
Laird sympathizes with James! His room is the coldest in the house.