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On The Move Again

I can’t believe it has almost been a year since we moved into this apartment. I was reading back over this, this and this post and was reminded of that time. Downsizing is not always an easy or pleasant task…but sometimes necessary.

But we are on the move again. This time we are moving to a larger home and we are very excited. With Baby Jude’s impending arrival just around the corner, I am hoping those darn nesting instincts will kick in soon. And maybe this isn’t such a bad thing, moving while 7 months pregnant. I will be spared a lot of the hard work.

We are moving literally right around the corner from my parents. What a blessing that will be with a new baby! I love the convenience.

Packing while 7 months pregnant has been an interesting challenge. We started on Sunday to give ourselves plenty of time. I pack a few boxes each day and then Brad moves them into James' room to get them out of the way when he gets home. The key to my sanity is order, organization, and tidiness. As long as everything is in it's place before I go to bed...I can function. When things get chaotic, I get all sorts of crazy. So far, so good...but we still have 7 days until moving we're keeping our fingers crossed.

I think I might be most excited about this move more than any of the others. I am so thankful and have so much to look forward to. The Lord has been abundantly good and gracious to me, as always. I have quoted before that “the Lord is seldom early but never late”. I think He is teaching me to WAIT! Wait for a solution, wait for Him, wait for hope, wait for more room, wait for people to do things in their own time (not in mine), just wait. His way is ALWAYS better than my own if I will just wait.

Every morning James and I read the Bible together...particularly the Psalms. I treasure this time with him. He sits quietly beside me and holds my hand while I read, then we pray. It is a blessing to hear his sweet little voice say "AMEN!" when we are done. But recently I've realized more than ever how much the Psalms talk about waiting. Waiting is something I have never been good at. But if it is important enough to the Lord to put it in scripture as much as He did, than it is important to me.

Psalm 5:3 In the morning, O Lord, You hear my voice; in the morning I lay my requests before You and wait in expectation.

Psalm 27:14 Wait for the Lord; be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord.

Psalm 33:20 We wait in hope for the Lord; He is our help and our shield.

Psalm 37:7 Be still before the Lord and wait patiently for Him...

Psalm 40:1 I waited patiently for the Lord; He turned to me and heard my cry.

Psalm 130:5 I wait for the Lord, my soul waits, and in His word I put my hope.


Crissy said…
This particularly struck me tonight, as we are waiting, waiting, waiting on the Lord. Thank you for the verses.