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Valentine's Date

Brad had planned a super-romantic date for me for tonight. It was to be a surprise. But being that I don't care at all for surprises and he can't keep a secret from me, he told me a couple of weeks ago what he had planned. The fabulous date included dinner at one of my favorite restaurants that serves Greek/Mediterranean food. And the very thought of Greek/Mediterranean food made me want to puke my guts up. So I smiled sweetly and thought it would pass. A week later it hadn't passed. So I told him that we couldn't go there for our wonderful Valentine's date because of this cursed morning (all-day-long) sickness. He was sweet and gracious as always and asked me what I wanted to do. At first I just wanted pizza. Then I wanted Taco Bell. Then I just wanted to eat bananas. But we finally settled on El Tejevan. (The world's very best authentic Mexican food restaurant ever). Thank goodness it agreed with both me and the baby. Then this afternoon we took James to Mom and Dad's and we went to a movie ...The Book Of Eli. It was a very nice Valentine's Day...even if it wasn't the super-romantic one Brad had planned.

While James was with Nana and Papa he made this beautiful craft for us! I think he may have had a little help from Nana and Papa...and there may have had to have been a straight jacket and other various restraints involved to get the job done. James isn't to his super-cooperative stage yet. But I absolutely LOVE this keepsake of his little hand and feet prints.

Mom and Dad also got me my very favorite tulips and they got James this bear.Brad got some cookies but the evidence has ummm....ahem....been destroyed. I know nothing about that.

James got his very own Valentine's heart of chocolates from Mommy and Daddy. He liked it very much.He dug in immediately.And wasn't too big on sharing.He really loves chocolate.
I hope you had a wonderful Valentine's day!
