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I Miss The 80's

I was talking to my friend Lorraine last night and bemoaning my constant state of nausea to her for like the 5th straight night in a row when she suggested I go get some Sea Bands. "Sea Bands?" I asked. Yes, Sea Bands. So I zipped right out this morning to get some and put them on right then and there in the store. And 10 minutes later...some relief. Now, don't be jealous of how cool they are.And never mind my hairy ape arms. But to be honest with you...I don't care how dorky they are...I'm wearing them. Every where. Forever. Or at least until I'm not nauseated anymore. Brad asked what I was going to do when I had to shower. As I was pondering this he said, "Shower real fast." He's smart like that.

But back to how cool these are. As soon as I slipped them on in all of their awesomeness, I was instantly transported back to my Get In Shape Girl days. If you were a little girl in the 80's you might know what I am talking about. I can still hear the theme song in my head! "Get is shape girl, it's so appealing! Get in shape girl, you know the feeling!" I begged for a set for my birthday and got it! It came with a work-out poster, weights, the aforementioned sweatbands of course, a tape, and a jump rope. I think my parents also got me the flowy ribbon thing and perhaps the batons. As soon as I opened it I put on my leotard, sweatbands, leg-warmers and took my jam box out to the back yard and got in shape...girl.Sorry for that painful little trip down memory lane.

By now you know of James' eating issues. He is say the least. We haven't figured out what criteria he uses to determine what food he will and won't eat, but I think it has something to do with the way food looks or feels. But there is no rhyme or reason to it.

So being a mother I feel it is my duty and responsibility to introduce my child to the finer things in life. Such as puffcorn, cheese puffs, ritz crackers, and fudge rounds. Today I gave him his first powdered sugar donut for breakfast.
He's a fan.Don't be too concerned about his nutritional health though. He eats plenty of fruits and veggies too. It's just not fun to take pictures of that.
