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Pancakes & Bacon

Being pregnant I spend a good part of my time thinking of food...and being nauseated...which is a strange combination but whatev. So last night I was discussing with Brad our options for breakfast this morning. Pancakes was one of those options.

Then he said, "Ok, but if we have pancakes, I want to make them."


Let me just take a moment to remind you that Brad's strong-suit is not cooking. In the 6 years that we've been together he has NEVER fixed a meal for me.

Second, this clearly implied there is a flaw in MY pancakes and he thinks he can do better. So I said, "And what is wrong with my pancakes?"

Him: "They're too fat."

Me: "And you think you can do better?"

Him: "Yes."

Me: "Good luck with that. I want bacon with my pancakes so you better head on out to the grocery store tonight."

Him: "Ok. But will you help me in the morning."

Me: "Nope."

I went to bed thinking I would just eat some Fruity Pebbles when he failed at his pancake making.

This morning...

Brad gets out of bed, makes the coffee, starts rattling around, and I just couldn't take it. I had to get up and watch. I mean seriously...this man has cooked NOTHING since we've been married or while we were dating. I didn't want to miss out.

He got all of the ingredients meticulously measured out and then he beat the living daylights out of that batter. I am not kidding. He was like a human KitchenAid. See the muscle he's putting into it.

Then he got the skillet piping crazy hot...all the while beating, beating, beating that poor batter.Notice Mrs. Butterworth there on the bottom right in a nice hot water bath. He told me this is what they do at IHOP.

And voila! Absolute pancake perfection!Never has a more delicious pancake passed these lips. Thin, fluffy, perfection. And the warm syrup was a very nice touch. Even James ate two! I ate more than I should have and got back in bed and prayed to the Lord above that I wouldn't throw them back up.

Brad has himself a new position in this family...Pancake Maker. Now that I know he can do this there is no telling what else he is capable of.

And just a little side note: Not only did he fix a scrumptious breakfast, he also cleaned up too! What a guy!


Celee said…
He is quite a guy! Kurtis likes making oyster stew, but unfortunately I don't care for oysters. And he doesn't clean up the mess :( You are really blessed!