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Update On Jude

When we checked into our hotel in Dallas last Tuesday I couldn't help but notice that we were right next to a massive construction site.  (Hence the free upgrade to a room with a balcony).  I was a little concerned but they stopped working before bedtime so I didn't think it was too big of a deal. 

But we didn't have the same luck the next night.  They worked through the night with floodlights and jackhammers!  I am not kidding.  I finally got up at 2:00 am and looked out the window to make sure what I was hearing was really happening and it wasn't just a bad dream.  Sure enough...I have the worst hotel luck in the world.  Jude and I did not get much sleep at all and were both super cranky pants in the morning.
But we went to our happy place (La Mad) and had a good breakfast to get ready for our appointment with the oncologists. 
After getting his labs done Jude perked right up as we waited for the docs.

He even tried to play on their computer.
After a long talk with one of Jude's doctors, I felt pretty uneasy about things.  The good news is that Jude's MRI's were clear.  They had a few other little concerns that I am actually not worried about at all.  They even said these things were "impressive"...not a good word to hear coming from a doctor.  It doesn't mean "good".  I am choosing not to focus on or worry about these things because I truly have a peace about it and do not think it is anything to worry about.  However, I was concerned about not following protocol and getting Jude all the scans he is supposed to have. 

So I left there as I always do, feeling part happy, part confused, and part discouraged.  We stopped by to see our sweet friend Courtney and her son Tyler who is undergoing chemotherapy right now.  We met them back in November and have just fallen in love with them and their amazing faith.  She's a rock.

We left the hospital, went to get James from Care Care (he did not want to leave) and headed home.  That night I talked to Dr. Honey at length about my concerns and the oncologists concerns.  As always, she was able to put my mind at ease and explain some of the things I was having trouble understanding.  She is going to talk to Jude's oncologist and get the whole protocol thing ironed out.  We will discuss this more at Jude's 18 month well-check next week.

So that is the update for Jude right now.  Not much to say until we know more from Dr. Honey.

This weekend we had beautiful weather and the boys enjoyed playing outside.
Today James went with Brad to get a new mountain bike.  James got on it and said, "I'm going to have one of these when I am a man!"  Ha ha.  I guess a pretty new bike is the real sign of becoming a "man" in his eyes.

Thank you so much for your prayers for Jude and his scans and our trip. I continue to trust that the Lord has His mighty hand on this sweet little one no matter how discouraging or frustrating these trips to the oncologist can be.  We are blessed.


Anonymous said…
Hopefully Dr. Honey can help ease your mind a little on some of the things that are still bothering you. It sounds like you got pretty good news though, right?

I want a new bike, too! Do I have to wait until I'm a man?