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This Is What I Do When I Can't Sleep

This was one of those nights where I couldn't sleep.  Whenever that happens I always think it is because I need to be in prayer about something.  I don't know if that is true or not, but couldn't hurt, right?  I've prayed, read that bible, prayed some more, brewed a pot of coffee so now I'm committed to being awake. 

A few days ago my friend Steph included me on a fun little blog game.  So here it is...

Here are the rules:
1.  Post these rules
2.  Post a photo of you and 11 things about your life
3.  Answer the questions set for you in the original post
4.  Create 11 new questions and tag people to answer them
5.  Go to their blog and tell them you've tagged them 
11 things about my life:
1. I love the Lord
2. I love my family
3. I am more boring than I thought because I am having trouble coming up with 11 things
4. I am a total homebody and sort of antisocial
5. I love to cook
6. I am the least athletic person I know and I am married to the most athletic person I know
7. I go all sorts of crazy when there is clutter and mess around.  I crave tidiness.
8. I'm scared of owls
9. I am a morning person, hate staying up late
10. I don't like people to get in my personal space unless I really like you a whole lot
11. I need routine in my life.  I don't function well when things get out of control.
YYYYAAAAAAWWWWWWWWWNNNNNNN..... are you still awake?  Riveting, I know.

Questions from original post:
1. what is your biggest fear? Something happening to my kids
2. what is your favorite memory? Coming home from school to my Mom, she would have the windows open, music playing, and a "sussie" ready for me.
3. how did you pick your kids names? James Cary is named after my Daddy.  Jude Quinn in the bible is the brother of James and a servant of Christ.  Quinn means 5 and he is mine and Brad's 5th child cumulatively.  Katy Jane is named after my Mom and me.  Kathryn is my Mom's name and Jane is my middle name.
4. what was your favorite grade/year in school and why?  12th grade.  Because it was the end.
5.  what is your biggest pet peeve?  People in the grocery store who aren't in as big of a hurry as I am and take their time and block the aisle.  I feel so rude now that I just admitted that.  But seriously people, I have two kids dangling from the basket, throwing stuff overboard as fast as they can, I'm pregnant, tired and just want to get home...MOOOOOVVVE!
6. Favorite vacation and why? My honeymoon.  I was perfectly happy and excited about our new life together.
7.  If you could trade places with anyone for one day who would it be?  My kids.  I want to feel how they feel and see our life the way they do so I can better understand them and better parent them.
8. Favorite beverage?  Coffee
9. What do you do in your spare time?  Sleep
10. If you could change one physical thing about yourself what would it be and why? My curly hair.  I hate it.
11. If you had to describe yourself in 3 adjectives what would they be?  Anal, happy, and content

11 new questions:  (Maybe not so new)
1. What is your biggest fear?
2. What is your favorite thing about yourself?
3. What is your least favorite thing about yourself?
4. How did you meet your spouse? (If you're married)
5. Why do you blog?
6. Who is your favorite person?
7. What is your favorite childhood memory?
8. Mountains or ocean?
9. If you had to eat one food only for the rest of your life, what would it be?
10. Favorite hobby?
11. If you could trade places for anyone for one day, who would it be?

Sarah Kate
