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Today we started purging our home of all the baby boy stuff now that we know we are expecting a Katy Jane.  Brad got out all of the tubs for me (probably10-15 full) and I started sorting stuff into donate and keep piles.  I opened up the first newborn tub and started pulling out all of those sweet little blue outfits.  Every memory of dressing baby James and baby Jude in them smacked me in the face.  I lost it.  I mean I was crying like a baby.  Sobbing is more like it.  Gotta love these pregnancy hormones.  Sheesh.  I just kept thinking about when I was pregnant with James and bought these little outfits.  I was so excited.  And then when he came and I was so in love with him and couldn't believe I was so blessed to get to be his Mommy.  Then I thought about sweet little Jude and how much of his babyhood was stolen by cancer.  We were so preoccupied with his health that I feel like he was robbed of some of the normalcy that James experienced.  Then I thought about the fact that I won't ever get to dress another baby boy in these darling little baby clothes.  So I folded them all neatly and packed them back up and put them right back in the closet.  I am not going to donate those memories.  James and Brad came upstairs while I was in the midst of this teary stroll down memory lane and asked what in the world was wrong with me.  Brad knelt down and hugged me but didn't give into me telling him I wasn't done having babies.  (He is).  James ran to the bathroom, shoved his stool over to the counter, pulled out several tissues, ran back in and wiped my face and kissed me.  He asked me what was wrong and I told him that he was just such a special baby and I had so much fun with him that I had happy tears when I looked at his old baby clothes.

I did manage to get 5 tubs ready to donate and lucky for me...the charity place we donate to called tonight to ask if I had any donations because they will be on our street on Tuesday.  Super convenient!

I have other exciting news too!  In spite of the fact that I have the least green thumbs of anyone on the planet AND I dropped James' greenhouse and frantically scraped all the seeds and dirt back into their tiny pots...
We have sprouts!!!!  It really is a miracle.

When I discovered these little darlings in the kitchen window I screamed for James to come quick (before they died)!  He is so proud.
I told him he inherited his Daddy's green thumbs.  He was baffled.  He looked at his thumbs and said, "they aren't green!"  Should have seen that one coming.
Jude was thoroughly unimpressed with all of it.  He just wanted more food.


Celee said…
I'm 39 and not likely to have any more babies and I still can't make myself get rid of all the baby clothes- boy or girl! So excited you're having a girl!

Steph said…
congrats on the miracle plants... I too kill everything, even cacti so I can appreciate the total awe that comes with sprouts!!! And that Jude and James are just so stinkin handsome!!!
Came across your blog from Baby Seton's, and your boys are just adorable! Congratulations on the baby girl! I completely understand about not being able to part with the boys' stuff. I always say I'm going to clean that attic out and then I do the same thing you did. :) Oh well...Maybe one day!