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I am happy to tell you that today was a much better day than yesterday.  Whew.  We went over to Mom and Dad's for lunch and to get Jamesie (he spent the night with Mom and Dad after yesterday's paintpocalypse).  James was quick to apologize to us for yesterday's catastrophe.  (I think he might have had a little coaching from Nana and Papa...and we thank you!) 

Nana made an apple pie for dessert and Jude ate about 1/2 of it.  He's never had apple pie before and doesn't get many deserts because he's lactose intolerant...or something like that.  So he is a big fan of Nana's apple pie.  Papa was sweet to share with him.
Tomorrow is the big day!  We find out the gender of this sweet new baby.  We are so excited!  Tonight as James was saying his prayers before bedtime he thanked the Lord for all of our family and for the "new baby" as always.  I told him that tomorrow we will be able to pray for the baby by name.  He changed from wanting a "grill" this whole time to wanting a boy.  I can't wait to know!

We also decided today that I will be taking James with me to see his Aunt Care Care when I take Jude to Dallas next week for his appointment and scans.  When I told James at dinner he jumped up and down and said, "Let's leave NOW!"  He is so excited to go see her.  I told her to hide her paint cans.


Steph said…
I will be starring at my phone waiting for the news!!!! soooo excited for you and for the boys to find out if they are having a "grill" or a boy! :)