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One Year

It’s been one year today. One year since we heard those life-changing words, “Your son has cancer”. One year that our gracious Lord has lovingly and patiently walked us step-by-step through the drudgery of learning to live a life different from what we had imagined. One that includes having a son with cancer. One that includes countless doctor’s appointments, specialist, oncologists, sickness, fear, worry, anxiety, tears, joy, relief. A new life that has opened our eyes to how precious life is…how precious every small milestone is, not to be taken for granted. One that makes old worries and concerns seem insignificant and distant. The first-time Mommy concerns I had with James don’t even cross my mind with Jude because he has taught me how precious life is…how precious my children’s lives are. I want to live fully in every moment of their childhood and lives. I don’t want to miss a moment.
Jude Quinn,
You are a miracle and a blessing.  You stare cancer in the face and laugh at it and take it on as if it is nothing.  You are mighty and brave.  Your strong will and determination for everything you do is your gift from the Lord.  He made you strong, stubborn, loud, and phenomenally wonderful.  I love who you are, little boy.  Sometimes the volume at which you live life is overwhelming for me but I welcome it.  You are teaching me.  I hope I can keep up.  I know that if we channel all of your energy and strength the Lord is going to do immeasurably more with your life than I can imagine.
I’m so glad to be where we are now…a year out.  You have beaten this thing…this cancer.  I know you have.  I will try not to hold you back because of my fear.  You are so much braver than I am.  I love that about you.  You are “all boy”.  My boy.
Love you a muchey bunch!


Jen said…
Precious baby Jude! Love you guys!
Sarah Hammer said…
well. that made me sob. love that boy. and you.