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Snowball Fights & Other Delights

I hope you had a good Christmas.  Christmas day for us was just wonderful!  We woke up and Brad read in the Bible about Jesus' birth to the boys. Then it was time for presents.  The boys had so much fun!

Trains, Trains and more Trains!
He was one happy little boy!

Next we went over to Nana and Papa's.


Play Doh with Madison
Then we could not resist the snow any longer!  We let James have a quick run through the snow before lunch.

Mom made a fabulous lunch of prime rib, potatoes, asparagus, hollandaise sauce, layered salad, Yorkshire pudding, and ham.  Yum, yum, yum.  After lunch Madison, Brad, James and I went back out into the snow.

Where someone (ahem...Brad) started a snowball fight with our innocent, sweet, precious niece.  Rude.

She held her own but I couldn't take it anymore.  I had to help her take him down.  Literally.  We won in the end. 

Even James got in on the action.

James LOVES the snow.  He did not want to come in but we made him. 
Cold and wet

We put him in warm dry jammies and warmed him up by the fire.  And gave him some chocolate cookies.
Maddie and I warmed up with coffee.

I think Morgan was the smart one.  She stayed inside and warm and played play doh with Judie Bug.
James talked Nana into taking him up to the loft to play.  He loves it up there.
I cannot believe I did not get a single picture of all of us together.  I guess it is because we were too busy having such a wonderful and blessed day.

I hope you had a wonderful day too!


Anonymous said…
How do you manage to look so good all the time?!?! Especially while pregnant?!?! Sheesh.

I am so jealous of your snow! I have no idea how long it'll be before we finally get some!!
Cheryl said…
Thank you for sharing your Christmas with us. It makes me smile!