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I Love You More

The other day I told you about my Mom taking Jamesie for a day of Christmas fun.  One of their many activities was making these adorable Christmas mice.  Mom used to make them with me when I was little.  She is infinitely more patient than I.  There is not a chance I would've attempted this with a 3 year old little boy.  But he loved it!
Ready to begin
Dipping the cherries
Skeptically admiring the vermin
Tasting the goods
Tonight we enjoyed a wonderful candlelight service at my parents church.  I pray that you have had a blessed Christmas eve and that tomorrow is a precious day celebrating our Savior's birth and surrounded by your loved ones.  I know we will be.

I am about as proud of my sweet husband as I've ever been.  Today he made a tough stand for our precious children.  He made a wise choice and I know the Lord is going to bless him for his wisdom and love for Jude, James and me.  Being the Daddy isn't always easy.  He often bears the weight of the world on his shoulders.  And this year has provided many difficult and unfortunate opportunities for for Brad to have to bear that heavy load.  Yet still more come his way.  I am grateful that he chooses to continue to fight for us, protect us, and love us so deeply.  I pray the Lord pours out blessings on him for all he does.  Daily I pray Psalm 5:12 over Brad: "Surely, Lord, You bless the righteous; You surround them with Your favor as with a shield."
