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More Decorating

Today we decorated Nana and Papa's Christmas tree with them.  The boys loved it!  Mom had on the old Christmas records that I grew up listening to.  At one point I found Jude dancing to the music.  James enjoyed a cup of hot cocoa in a "big boy" mug.
Jamesie was a real slave-driver when it came to putting up ALL the ornaments.  My Mom has about 20 zillion ornaments and James was determined that we would get every last one hung on the tree.  Even this freaky looking snowman I made when I was a little girl.

Jude still has a few issues with certain Christmas decorations.  He only wanted to hang up the soft ones.

By the way...Jude is orange because his favorite foods are sweet potatoes, lasagna, spaghetti.  He's like a cute little Oompa Loompa.
Later the boys played with their nativity.  Now that Jude is so mobile and fearless...he insists on being on top of the table.
Most of you know that this has not been the easiest year for our family.  There have been several difficulties but also many answered prayers and blessings.  Mainly our sweet little Jude.  Jude being diagnosed with cancer was certainly our biggest challenge.  But through that we've seen the Lord draw us closer to Him and closer to each other.  Still, when other things happen (like my husband being hit by a car) it is so easy to get overwhelmed and discouraged and wish for a break.  My sweet friend Courtney that I met at Children's had the following devotion on her blog and I wanted to share it because it meant so much to me.  Courtney's son is bravely battling cancer right now.  They are an inspiration and blessing.  This devotion is a good reminder to me keep my eyes on the Lord even when my circumstances seem impossible.

God rescues and saves people and does mighty miracles in heaven and on earth.  He is the one who saved Daniel from the power of the lions.  Daniel 6:27

…Imitate those who through faith and patience inherit what has been promised.  Hebrews 6:12

Are you facing a challenge today that seems overwhelming? Through faith and patience, God’s Word says that you will see His promises come to pass in your life. Understand that the enemy always fights the hardest when he knows you are closest to your breakthrough. He’d leave you alone if he thought you were going to live in mediocrity. But if you’ll keep pressing toward your promise and following the Word of God, you will get there. Don’t be like the Israelites in the Old Testament who were right next to their promised land when they talked themselves out of it. They said, “There are giants in the land. It’s too difficult.” No, don’t look at the obstacles in your life today; lift up your eyes because you serve Almighty God. Instead, follow the example of Abraham who believed God even when his circumstances looked impossible. Remember, God rewards the people who seek after Him. Stand in faith and keep believing because God will take you places that you never dreamed. As you press toward the promise, you will see His hand of blessing, and you will live in the victory He has prepared for you.  -Joel Osteen


Anonymous said…
I hope your husband is feeling better!

I love Jude's little orange face! The same thing happened to Lex. Especially to her nose! :o)