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Waking Up On The Wrong Side Of The...Floor?

So maybe night #1 of sleeping in his big boy bed, or as James calls it...his "special bed"...didn't go quite as planned.  This is how I found Jude asleep this morning.
I would love to know how that happened.  Was he playing under James' bed and fell asleep?  Was it all just too much to take so he had to bury his head?  Was he there all night?  When I woke him up he was certainly disoriented and confused.  I would have been too if I woke up under the bed.  He had carpet marks imprinted on his face for half the day, poor guy.

After my confession of letting Jude stay in pj's all day yesterday I thought I needed to show you that I did manage to dress both of my children today...and even myself!

But just as soon as I got them both dressed Jude started disrobing to play with his feet.  I don't blame him...they are beautiful little tootsies.
He is seriously fascinated with them.

The last few days have been challenging for me as far as parenting goes.  I think it is just a combination of two little boys being cooped up inside, me being distracted with getting Christmas stuff ready, a 3 year old (3 is the new "terrible 2"...haven't you heard?), being pregnant, and a few other things here and there.  Anyways, my sweet Mom gave me the BEST Christmas gift today.  She took Jamesie for some Christmas fun and had also gotten me a book that I have been wanting to read.  I put Jude down for a nap, got a cup of coffee and a blanket, sat down in a QUIET house, and read the entire book from cover to cover.  Heaven!  And sanity.  It was an encouraging book on parenting so it totally helped my attitude and gave me a fresh perspective on my job as mommy.  Plus, Jamesie got to do all sorts of fun things with Nana.  I will post about that later.  I am so blessed to live right around the corner from my parents and especially blessed for all the wonderful sweet things they do for us.  Like giving me the afternoon off to keep from going bananas.  So grateful.

And just so you know...I just went in to check on Jude.

This totally reminds me of that scene from The Count Of Monte Cristo after Edmond has gotten all of that gold and has a big fancy mansion but still sleeps on the hard floor because he was in prison for so long that is what he is used to.  Best. Movie. Ever. 

But I did put Jude back in bed and so far he has stayed there.  We will see where he is in the morning.


Anonymous said…
Reading a book, cover to cover sounds lovely!!! I am lucky to finish one in 2-3 months. :o)

The Count of Monte Cristo IS one of the best movies ever!!! I haven't seen it in so long. Thanks for reminding me so I can watch it again!
Jen said…
The Count of Monte Cristo is my FAVORITE!!! I love it! Watched it millions of times :) I like that I'm not the only one :) I'm a bit nervous about moving Ethan out of his bed too...keep us posted on how the transition is going :)