I feel inexplicably compelled to tell you about a new show I stumbled upon Sunday. It is called Bridalplasty and it is truly trashy reality television at it's very best...or worst. It is about a group of gals all competing for various plastic surgeries and a dream wedding. I was watching it while Brad was finishing up some work. I thought he was oblivious to my viewing choice but shockingly enough...he can multitask. He said, "This is so sad." And he meant it non-sarcastically unlike everything I say. And it really was sad. These girls are desperate to drastically change the way they look. Now I don't have anything against plastic surgery, but I feel bad for these girls and the decision they made, and will indubitably regret, to do it on national television. All of that by way of saying...I will not be missing a single episode. This is like watching a train wreck. I. Can't. Turn. Away. Speaking of vain. George went and got his hair did today. As muc...