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Opossum Update

Yall, I'm not even kidding...Mom and Dad caught a second and much larger opossum last night. For reals. What is up with the opossum population boom? Mom said that this one was rocking back and forth. That gives me the creeps. Goshawful animals.This morning, as Brad and I were staring at this picture over breakfast all agog and whatnot, I shared with Brad that opossums are marsupials...meaning the mother opossum has a pouch that she carries her babies in. He said, "That's gross. Why did you have to tell me that while I'm eating my Wheaties?"

You just never know what is going to be a turn-off to some people.


Celee said…
I saw a possum while out for a morning run one time and it freaked me out. Strange looking creatures! Hey- I gave you a silly blog award. Check it out when you have time.
