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Naughty Or Nice Award

Fun! I Am Blessed at Miscellaneous Musings Of A 5x Mom gave me this blog award! It's called the Naughty Or Nice Award. These are the questions I am supposed to answer:

1. What is the silliest prank you ever played on someone?

I'm not much of a prankster because I am too afraid of retaliation. But one time when I was a little girl I made some milk really nasty by putting lots of gross stuff in it and then went and put it by my sister's bedsides thinking they would drink it when they woke up (that made perfect sense in my 5 year old mind). My mom caught me and made me drink every last drop. Perhaps that is what fuels my fear of retaliation. Lesson learned.

2. If you could take a trip anywhere out of the country where would you go? Why?

Italy. For the food.

3. Who plays the most influential role in your life?

Jesus, Brad, James and my Mom and Dad.

4. Are you ok with your significant other being friends with an ex?

Sure. Not like slumber party friends or anything like that though. I guess that what I mean is that, knowing Brad, he's so nice to everyone that I would expect him to be friendly to an ex and I wouldn't get all worked up over it.

5. Favorite candle scent?

Pumpkin spice.

6. Next movie you're excited about seeing?

The Other Guys...looks funny. And it has Mark Wahlberg in it. Enough said.

7. You must ban one word from the dictionary and all usage, to be no longer uttered or written. What word do you ban?

Several come to mind but I don't want to "utter or write" them. But you would probably agree with me.

8. Do you have any relatives in jail?

Not to my knowledge...there are a few I wish were though.

9. What crazy fads were popular when you were a teenager.

Big hair, pinched-rolled jeans, stacked socks, keds (I love keds!), high-waisted-taper-legged jeans, Vanilla Ice, Milli Vanilli, rollerblading, Seinfeld, The Fresh Prince Of Bel-Air, preparing for Y2K, goth, grunge, I could go on but I'm trying to forget those years.

10. Have you ever been mentioned in a newspaper or on TV?

A few times in the newspaper.

I'm supposed to pass this award on to 10 of my blogging friends unless I'm feeling naughty- in that case I can just pass it on to 5. I'm passing it on to 8 so I guess I'm almost nice.

It's your turn...
Morgan Kathryn at Head In The Clouds
Melanie at The Lyons
Erin at Laird And His Momma
April at Memoirs Of A Modern Day Mom
Kristi at Kyndall And Avery
Apryl at The Dozers
Jodie at The Perkins Girls
Janna at The Padilla Family
