James had to go back to the doctor yesterday. Turns out he got a virus on top of his ear infection and tonsillitis. Although he loves his beautiful Dr. H, he HATES when she listens to his heart with the stethoscope...much less looking in his throat or ears. It is a traumatic event for James, Dr. H and myself. And the stronger he gets, the harder it gets for the two of us to hold him down. So she suggested that I get him a doctor kit and let him bring it to the next appointment.
Great idea!
So off we went to the store to find just the right one. He loves it.
Puppy has been his main patient...although Brad and I have had a few exams too.
He really loves giving shots.
But he still is a little confused about the blood pressure cuff.
He's got this one down though.
It is a good thing I made an appointment first thing in the morning though. As I was getting ready, James got my comb to comb his hair with...or so I thought. A few seconds later I heard him choking and gagging. That's when I noticed this....
He had swallowed three teeth from the comb. Oops. I took the comb in with us and asked Dr. H about it. She said that I would have to monitor his poop to make sure all three teeth came out. Do you know how not awesome digging through poop is? Especially when pregnant????
I just barely managed the first diaper but the next two are waiting for Brad out on the porch. I have to draw the line somewhere. I can handle lots of things...scouting through poop for comb teeth is just not one of them.
Great idea!
So off we went to the store to find just the right one. He loves it.
I just barely managed the first diaper but the next two are waiting for Brad out on the porch. I have to draw the line somewhere. I can handle lots of things...scouting through poop for comb teeth is just not one of them.