For the past few days James has not been acting himself. I took him to the doctor today and he has tonsillitis and an ear infection. Poor little guy. No wonder he's been so cranky.
After the doctor, we came home, James went down for a nap and I got started on dinner and dessert. I made creme brulee first. I have to use tongs to get the ramekins out of the oven and one slipped and sent creme brulee flying all over the kitchen. It was no big deal until the blob that landed on one of the burners caught on fire while I was cooking dinner. I turned to see about a 2 foot flame coming out from under the red beans and rice. Scary. After I got that out I had to fan at the smoke alarm until it stopped blowing my eardrums out. Dinner was Jamaican Jerk chicken and smoked sausage kabobs which turned out terribly. I definitely did something wrong. I am too tired right now to figure out what or even to care. Hopefully the creme brulees will redeem me.
Oh...and one more thing...James likes wearing my headbands.
Isn't he funny!!!!
Oh...and one more thing...James likes wearing my headbands.