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I was walking with James today while he rode his bike around the cul-de-sac.  We got around to one of the neighbors house and they have a big mean dog that conveniently has a nice little square cut in the fence so he can see out to the innocent passerby's that he wants to attack.  I tried to play it cool and said, "Oh.  Look James.  There's a dog."  He. Lost. His. Mind.  I am not kidding you.  The kid FLEW off his bike and started running and screaming.  Clearly not a fan of attack dogs.  The bad thing was that he was barefoot and stepped on a big sticker burr.  That turned the panic into all out hysteria.  I pulled it out of his foot but didn't get all of it out.  Which only ticked him off and he wouldn't let me get the rest out.  He was screaming so loudly that Brad, who was a full block away, heard him and came running.

In case you didn't know...James does not handle pain well.  Jude can take a big blow and bounce right back.  James, not so much.  Bless his sweet little sensitive heart.

Brad carried James back home whereupon James required a bottle of water, a lawn chair for him and one for his feet. 
Why was I getting the side eye????  They always blame mom, right?

I tried to talk to him about the virtues of shoes.  He wasn't hearing me, so distraught he was about his injured foot. 
But for as sensitive as my sweet little Jamesie is, he directs that sensitivity towards others as well, which is precious.  He is especially sensitive towards me in my ginormous state of gestation.  Jude was throwing a fit while I was trying to get him ready for bed tonight.  He was so overly tired.  He did that thing that kids so cleverly do...I went to pick him up to carry him upstairs and he went as limp as a noodle.  So limp that it takes both arms and a leg to keep him contained.  He still got away from me.  I ended up half-way dragging him upstairs while he kicked and screamed at the top of his lungs.  What our neighbors must think.  James realized that I was tired and Jude's fit was about to get on my last frazzled nerve.  He ran and got Jude's pj's and diaper and was helping me get him ready for bed.  He asked me what was wrong with Jude and I told him he was just tired and cranky and needed to go to bed.  James said, "Yep.  He sure is crankin' around."  I think that perfectly described how Judie Bug was acting. 

Last night when I was putting James to bed, I tucked him in and leaned over to kiss him good night.  He said, "Night night sweet Mommy.  You sleep tight, ok?"  He melts my heart.
