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37 Weeks

I'm 37 weeks pregnant and totally uncomfortable.  I have had contractions all day long but at my appointment with my doctor today I found out I am still only at a 3 and 80%.  Ugh.  I would have thought that so much pain would at least have gotten me to a 4 or 5.  No such luck.
I was smiling because I hadn't been to the doctor yet to find out that I hadn't changed any...I was still hopeful.

We've all been just sitting around waiting for Katy Jane.  Even Jamesie.  I think he looks so big in this picture.
Remember the other day when James and I were walking in the cul-de-sac and the mean dog scared him?  When we were walking yesterday...this is how he remedied the situation.  Nothing to be afraid of when he's got his Daddy. 
Well...this is officially the longest I've ever been pregnant.  I had heard an ugly little discouraging rumor that girls are more stubborn than boys about when it comes to being born.  I guess it is true.
