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Getting Closer

It's been an interesting few days around here.  First of all, both boys got sick.  We went to see Dr. Honey and got them on some antibiotics.
Lots of lounging around.
Jude did not handle things very well.  He has had several very cranky days.
Later that day I went to see my ob and checked up on Katy Jane.  I was still at a 2.  That night I started feeling sick too.  I called my doctor the next morning to get on an antibiotic myself so we would all be well before Katy comes.  Later that day I went and got pre-registered at the hospital.  Good thing, too.

Thursday night I started having very painful and very consistent contractions.  We timed them for several hours.  About 9:00 we decided to call my doctor.  He gave me my instructions and we decided to wait it out.  Then around 11:30 they started coming stronger, every 2 minutes for 2 hours.  Brad called the doc again and he told us to head on up to the hospital.

It was such an unpleasant experience.  I think they might save the new nurses for the middle of the night.  The first nurse kept telling me about the horrors of having your baby too early and being in the NICU.  She told me all about her premature baby and how she still is tiny.  NOT what you want to hear when you are 36 weeks and in labor.

In the triage room where they monitor you before admitting you, there are 2 beds.  My lovely triage-mate was a 15 year old pregnant girl who was having premature labor.  Unfortunately for me the tv was on her side as was the control and she was watching southpark.  I had all I could stand and had the nurse turn it off.  So disgusting.  I was tired, irritable, over twice her age and had no intention of listening to total filth while I was in so much pain.

My doctor decided to admit me so another nurse came to put an iv in.  After nearly popping my arm off with the tight rubber band she talked ENDLESSLY about something very unimportant to me while the blood built up in my arm.  I finally interrupted her and told her my arm was hurting.  She said, "Do you want me to take it off so I can keep talking?"  (I'm for reals...she totally asked that question!!!!) Ummm...NO!!!!  I want you to PUT MY IV IN and shut up!  By the time she stuck the iv in my arm, blood splurted out everywhere.  Nice.

Finally around 6:30 my contractions slowed way down to only 4 an hour and not very painful at all.  I was only dilated to a 3.5 and 80% effaced.  I was so relieved that my doctor decided to send me home and let little miss Katy Jane cook some more.  Plus, I want to get everyone healthy before she comes.  And to be honest...I really wanted to take a shower and have my nails painted.

I've been doing a lot of resting to keep her in there and Brad has been picking up all the slack.  He has been super dad!  He even trimmed the tree and let James "help".
We all know that when they help, it really means that it makes the task take 10 times longer to complete.  He is such a good Daddy.
Jude helped by smacking me in the face with a big branch.  Thanks kid. Go find your other boot and leave me alone and let me gestate.
He kept a close eye on his Dad up in the tree.
Jude is a major Daddy's boy.  When his Dad is around he has very little to do with me.  I don't take it personally...most of the time.  But for some reason today he decided to come and sit with ME!!!!  I was delighted.

It is such a rare occurrence that I made Brad take a picture.
I've been having pretty strong contractions today but I am hoping to put off labor a couple of more days until I am at least 37 weeks.  I am still feeling sick and want to be at my best before our sweet little Katy comes.
