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Guess where we were again today???  Yep...the hospital.  Again.  This is getting old.  My doctor wanted to check the fluid level around Katy Jane.  Thankfully she is all good.  And I can't complain that I got to see a cute little picture of her sucking her thumb.

This is Brad passing the time in the triage room...which we are all too familiar with.
Today's triage-mate was 30 weeks pregnant and had just been in a car accident.  Poor thing.  She had her last baby 7 weeks early so she was understandably concerned.  I was on the side with the tv this time so I put it on Fox news and turned it way I could accidentally overhear her giving the nurse her stats and talking on the phone to her mom.  I'm nosy like that.  Really all I wanted to know was if I weighed less than her or not.

We were sent home again.  I have an appointment with my doctor on Wednesday.  We will see where things are then.  I'm so ready to see this sweet baby.
