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Still. Pregnant.

38 weeks and 1 day.  I can't believe she isn't here.  At my appointment yesterday my doctor estimated that she is about 6 1/2-7 pounds.  I am at a 4 and 90% effaced.  It should be any day now.  Maybe today!

The last few days have been interesting.  Judie Bug woke up with a weird spot on his little belly one morning.  A few minutes later I noticed a red streak coming from it.  I called our nurse immediately and by the time I got ready and got to the doctor an hour later it had 3 streaks.  Very scary.
Poor little guy.  If something weird is going to's going to happen to Jude. 
The doctor also noticed a heart murmur while we were there.  Because I needed one more thing to worry about with this child.  Cancer, no speaking, and streaky spots aren't enough.  He got a shot of strong antibiotics as well as a topical and oral.

Jude was flat out furious about getting a shot.  It made him do this.
But once the shot kicked in late that night he was back to his precious sweet self.  By late that night the streaks were looking a little better and by the next morning they looked a lot better.  I took him in to see Dr. Honey and she didn't hear the heart murmur anymore!  Thank you Lord!  She said it was probably from him being so sick the day before but thankfully the strong meds we got into him so fast helped right away.  I'm so grateful. 

Unfortunately we also discovered ANOTHER leak in our dining room below the upstairs bathroom.  The same bathroom that was supposedly fixed less than a year ago.  I can't even tell you how unhappy this makes me as I HATE home repairs and do not want to bring a new baby home to a construction site.  When I brought James home from the hospital the garage door broke and we couldn't get in.  When I brought Jude home from the hospital the downstairs had flooded and all the carpet had to be lifted and big fans run.  Then the courtyard had to be fixed because that is what had caused the flood in the first place.  So it would only make sense that the bathroom and dining room would be torn up when we bring Katy home.  I am praying it is a quick and easy repair.  But I'm not holding my breath.


Sarah Hammer said…
Oh my gee! Sweet baby Jude! Glad he is doing better. Praying for you. Big deep breaths!!
Steph said…
love the pic of jude in his chonies and his boots... and just think... katy jane DID come today!
Anonymous said…
Okay...I just got back from my trip and see you haven't posted since the 21st...does this mean Katy is here?!?!