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Nesting Already?

On Brad's last 4 days off I forced the entire family to submit to my insanely overwhelming urge to start nesting as if my life depended on it.  Katy Jane's due date is still 55 days away unless she comes 3 weeks early like her brothers did...then she is only 34 days away...which the thought of gives me heartburn.  So Brad and I reorganized, cleaned, moved stuff around, got baby stuff out of the garage, rearranged all the car seats, washed baby clothes, and set up baby furniture.  Then we made our list for what we need to get done on his next 4 days off.  I am happy to be closer to ready to bring a new baby home, but we're still not least by our anal standards.  We have a lot to pack into the next 34-55 days.  This pregnancy has gone by too quickly.


Jude's speech therapy is coming right along.  His therapist comes again tomorrow morning at 9:00.  He is up to 10 words now: Dada, hot, cheese, ball, bubble, go, bye-bye, Mama, Nana, and Papa.  He has his hearing test Monday.  I will be so interested to see how that turns out.  I think he can hear just fine but maybe he isn't hearing things the way he should. He still does a lot of screaming and pointing to get what he wants but so do I so perhaps that's just heredity.


I put the boys in the bathtub tonight and James decided to tell me about his "children"...
I never know what is going to come out of that child's mouth.  He is always entertaining.  You can tell a certain little someone spends a lot of time in the corner around here.


Anonymous said…
Wow...your pregnancy HAS gone by fast! Maybe only a month more to go! Eeek!

I laughed at your comment about it being hereditary to scream and point for things. ;o) You're so silly!

The boys are really growing up! When miss Katy gets here, they are going to seem even bigger!