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A Walk In The Park

We took the boys to the park today to feed the ducks and play.  On our way down to the lake a lady walking past us pointed out a stork!  So timely...I expected to see it with a little baby bundle hanging from a hankie in it's beak.
I am not an ornithologist so I can't vouch for the fact that this is indeed a's just what the lady walking at the park told me.  And I'm inclined to believe people who speak so authoritatively about bird breeds.  Or anything for that matter.  She could have told me this was an extra tall duck and I would've bought it.
After feeding the regular short ducks for awhile, Jude got a little hungry and started eating their bread.
I love my boys!
Next we headed over to the park to play.  Jude was not thrilled with the wind that was blowing about 200 miles per is typical for Amarillo.
But he had fun with his sweet Daddy.
Tonight I let the boys have an inside picnic for dinner.  Jude was a big fan.
I hope the next time I see a stork it's this one...
