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Leapin' Lizards

I would probably never survive out in the country.  I say probably because I've never lived in the country and I might surprise myself.  But after today that is highly unlikely. 

Brad, the boys and I were sitting outside and James went inside for a minute.  He was on his way back out and stopped dead in his tracks and freaked out...because there was a lizard under his toy dump truck.  Since I am always the calm one in every situation (HA HA HA HA) I totally downplayed it (HA HA HA HA).  We didn't really know if we should believe him or not since he was saying it was "as big as an alligator"...I have NO idea where he gets that drama from.  Well sure enough...Brad found it over on our neighbor's porch.  Two of them.  Although they weren't as big as alligators, they were 6-8 inches long.  I don't like it at all.  Until we read on the internet that they eat spiders.  I still don't like it but I will make them a deal...I won't set out sticky traps if they eat all the spiders they can find.
So after dealing with the alligator/lizard population living in our front yard, and after James built a habitat for all of the roly poly's he could gather, showed me all of them one by one and how he can make them roll up in a ball, and after I went to get my lawn chair and realized that every bug in the neighborhood had taken shelter from the rain in it and I screamed at the top of my lungs and nearly sent myself into early labor by running from them, and after writing the longest run-on sentence in the history of the world...I have concluded that no, I am not cut out for a life that involves a whole bunch of being one with nature. I will do the best I can since I have two boys, but deep down in my heart I would rather just go get a manicure.
