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Brad's Birthday Celebration #1

Brad's birthday isn't for a few more days but we like to stretch our celebrations out as long as possible around here so today was celebration #1 at Mom and Dad's.  Mom made one of Brad's favorite meals...hamburgers, hot dogs, baked beans, and grilled corn on the cob.  She also made a special trip to the only store in town that carries his very favorite kind of root beer.  What an amazing mother in law!  I made creme brulee for his dessert.
James helped blow out the candle.
After dinner and dessert the boys played outside.  It was a beautiful night.
 Then James started a water fight.
 After the water fight the boys snuggled up with Nana and Papa to get dry.
 My handsome birthday boy.
On an un-birthday related note...Jude decided to wear cowboy boots all day today.


Unknown said…
What a precious husband and children you have. The evening was perfect!