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Wedding Weekend

We have had our trip to Bean's wedding planned for months now.  And Jude waited until the last minute to get sick.  I left BSF early to take Jude to see Dr. Honey.  He had strep and an ear infection.  That made it even more difficult for me to leave him, but I knew he was in the best hands with my Mom. 
NOT happy about getting a shot

But it didn't stop him from playing with the Barbies.
After getting Jude settled in at Nana and Papa's, we were off to Carrie's.

The next morning we headed out to San Antonio.  We stopped in Austin and ate at Chuy's.  It was so yummy until James turned and barfed all over himself and me.  I don't do well with barf so I excused myself and let Brad deal with it.
I took James out to the parking lot and changed his clothes.  I cleaned myself up with wipies as best I could.  Brad was putting James in the car and I went over and asked him to smell my dress where the barf was.  He just stood straight up and stared blankly at me.  After several seconds he said, "Are you serious?"  And yes, I was.  I knew I wouldn't be able to make it a single second in the car if I smelled like barf.  I got the all clear and we finished the last leg of our trip to San Antonio.  (My husband should win a major award for not only cleaning up the barf but also smelling the barf dress).

We checked into the hotel and fought each other for who got to take a shower first to de-barf ourselves.  I won. 

The rehearsal was great.  The chapel was so beautiful.
Uncle Bean and James

Lindsay, James (with 2 gumballs in his mouth) and Bean
The rehearsal dinner was at the Alamo Cafe and it was awesome.  Bean's dad gave such an awesome speech that made me teary.  He and Mrs. Bean had put together a sweet slide show with pictures of Lindsay and Bean growing up. 

Lindsay and Bean got James a toy camera that he LOVED.  I am not kidding you...he took pretend pictures of everyone.  Several times.
He even slept with his new camera.
The next morning we all got up and went to the church for the big event!  James was the ring bearer and Brad was a groomsman. 

Bean, James and Drew (Bean's brother and Best man)
He kept that camera with him
Bean, Drew and Jill
We promised James all sorts of things if he did a good job at his ring bearer duties...a new train, ice cream, and cookies.
He did great!  I was so proud of him.  That is him with the wedding coordinator just as he was about to walk down the aisle. 

The Beans
The wedding was beautiful and the reception was fabulous as well.

There were two amazing long horns at the country club where the reception was held.  James was worried for them because they weren't "mooing".
Lindsay was sweet enough to think of James' picky appetite and ordered him his own  special plate of kid food for the reception.  So thoughtful!
After the reception we left San Antonio and went to Fredericksberg. As promised, James got all of the treats he was promised for doing so well at the wedding.

James was over Fredericksberg and ready to go get his train
Brad got James a little bit more than the one train he was promised

Then James worked out the rest of his wiggles by jumping on the bed.

We woke up this morning and had breakfast at the most delicious Donut and Kolache shop ever.  After that we headed home.  I couldn't wait to get home to my Judie Bug.  I knew I would miss him but I didn't know just how badly.  About 20 minutes from home James had a total meltdown.  He had been as good as he was going to be.  I did 't blame him.  I was sick of being in the car as well.
Then when we were literally about 5 blocks from our house he fell asleep. Figures.
Mom and Dad met us at home with Jude.  I couldn't wait to get my hands on him.  He had a wonderful time without us though.  Nana and Papa took perfect care of him.  From what I hear, he wouldn't leave Papa's side.
I put the boys down early and they were both silent within seconds.  We are all glad to be home and in our own beds.

It was a beautiful wedding and we pray the Lord richly blesses Bean and Lindsay in their marriage.  Congratulations you two!  We love you both!
