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Vacuum Withdrawal

We are spending our days and nights around here adjusting to Brad's new schedule.  It's really not as bad as I had anticipated.  But I am still trying to figure out how to get the things done that I usually do during the day but can't now because Brad is sleeping and can't do in the evenings because the boys are sleeping.  Like vacuuming, for instance.  With two little boys, vacuuming is something that I need to do everyday.  Jude is at the stage where he just throws cereal on the floor and eats it from there.  I still can't bring myself to just pour it on the floor to begin with like other mother's I've heard about.  So I waste my time by putting it in a bowl for him, handing it to him, then I let him do the honors.  James and I spend a lot of our time picking up cereal off the floor...he is as anal as I am. 

Well, I haven't been able to vacuum in a few days so the floor is pretty nasty.  I just wear shoes all the time and try not to look down.  Today James was walking through the living room and sat down and looked at the bottom of his bare foot.  He said, "Somethings on my foot.'s a golden graham!"  And popped it in his mouth.  Gross.  I finally vacuumed.  Brad will be off for the next 4 days so I will be doing some major catching up around here.
For the last 11 years I have not lived in any house for longer than 2 years...most places have been about a year.  When we moved into this house a year and a half ago we thought we would be here for a long time.  Then I got pregnant.  Again.  I still was hopeful that we could make it work here until I realized how difficult it is with Brad's schedule and the arrangement of this house.  Difficult will become impossible with another baby in the mix.  SO...we are about to start looking for another house.  And for reals this time...we are going to stay put for a LONG time.  I mean it.  Although, when we moved into this house I was 8 months pregnant with Jude and got out of all of the work.  Not such a bad plan to move when I'm pregnant.  One of my sister's friends has a soundproof room in her house.  I am thinking that would be ideal for me Brad on the days needs to get some sleep with 3 kids in the house.  And I can hide from the children in there when he's not using it.  Maybe I could also get it padded for those days when my sanity runs thin.  Like when the floor is covered in golden grahams.


Steph said…
I have moved each time I have been pregnant too! see, soul sisters :)

Annabelle and Jude HAVE to get together... they can have cereal throwing/floor eating contests... she has lots of room in her cheeks so my money is on her.

Your sister is a genius for having a soundproof room... I need to get me one of those too, and if you find one before I build one, I will forgo meeting in the middle and just go all the way to amarillo to hide out with you in there.. with good food and beer... lots and lots of beer. The kids will survive... there will be plenty of golden grahams on the floor. ;)
Anonymous said…
I vacuum *maybe* once a month. You might die over here. Although, none of us throw our cereal on the floor, so it's probably not quite that bad. :o)

I hope you find the perfect house! We bought this one with the intention of staying in it forever. Forever is probably unlikely, but I'm hoping on at least 10 years. :o) I hope you find a soundproof room. And if you build one, clue me in on how to do that. I need dead silence to sleep which never happens...