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Do you ever have so many good days in a row that you start waiting for the other shoe to drop, waiting for the "catch"?  I know the Lord doesn't work like that but I guess I am so flawed that I prepare myself for the worst instead of enjoying the blessings that He heaps upon me.  But tonight I am enjoying the blessing.  I am so filled with joy that I can't sleep.  I usually can't sleep because I am concerned or preoccupied with something.  Or because I am pregnant.  I swear, I am always pregnant.  I haven't slept in like 4 years.  But tonight I can't sleep because I am so happy and grateful to the Lord.  Today the Lord answered a HUGE prayer in Brad's life...and therefore in mine. Brad has waited years for this.  Really...years.

James was busy in the kitchen "cooking beans" as he calls it.  He plays with dried beans and uses every cooking utensil, pan, pot, bowl and plate...and gets beans all over the house in the process.  For some reason I don't mind.  So he was in the kitchen cooking beans when Brad called.  After we hung up I started praying out loud and thanking the Lord for this blessing.  Later, I heard James talking to himself saying, "Thank ya Lawrd for Daddy's [blessing]."  Then he told me he needed a "recipeet" (recipe) from the cookbook.  I handed him a cookbook and he started flipping through it saying, "Hmmmm.....let's see here.....".  I can see that he watches me more closely than I thought.
As I was discussing today's events with my Mom during our evening wrap-up call, she commented how the Lord moves in big ways in my life.  It's true.  He also trusts me with some big suffering.  Not that one warrants the other.  But the sufferings make me even more grateful for the blessings and the blessings help me survive the suffering.  I do not deserve the big ways the Lord blesses me at all.  But I am so so grateful, humbled, and joyful. 

My BSF notes from this week talked about when Paul wanted to evangelize Asia and Bithynia the Lord blocked his plans, instead leading him to Macedonia. I highlighted the following: "God's "stops" are as important as God's directions to move ahead.  At this critical juncture, God gave His clear guidance.  When Paul saw the vision of the Macedonian standing and calling him to "come over to Macedonia and help us," he realized why God had blocked their plans.  Immediately Paul laid aside his own planning and cooperated with God's revealed purpose, making it his own purpose.  When God shuts the door upon your desired plans, are you alert to perceive it is because He has a better door for you to enter?"

When I answered a question regarding this I immediately thought about Brad's situation.  We've waited so long yet still were getting back the answer to wait.  A "stop".  For some reason, the Lord found it necessary to put a stop on our plans until He was ready.  We don't know or understand why but when He finally opened that door, how joyful to run through it knowing it has His stamp of approval on it, His blessing, HIS timing.  So much better than our own.  Little did I know that later this day the very door I was speaking of being closed, and closed for so long, would finally be opened.  "A better door".  I've forced my way through many doors that I should have left shut.  The Lord shuts doors for a reason.  So many times I have stubbornly banged my fist against a closed door...maybe even so much so that it finally opens.  That's no way to go through life.  How much easier and better things could have been if I had waited for the door the Lord wanted to open for me.

The Lord is not waiting to slam doors shut in our face.  He delights in opening doors for us.  And He gives us the freedom to walk through doors that will end in heartache.  Then He graciously and lovingly forgives and gets us back on track, headed towards the right door.  His door.


Celee said…
Beautifully written and so glad the Lord answered this prayer for your family!

Jen said…
Praise the Lord! So happy for you guys! :) Love ya!
Anonymous said…
Congratulations on your news!!! God always does take care of us, doesn't he?

I think it is terribly sweet about James cooking his beans. What a sweetheart. :o)
Steph said…
this made me so happy to read! SOOO happy for you guys and this was such a beautiful reminder that God delights in the desires of our hearts and will always take care of us if we trust!