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Jude Update

Jude and I left Tuesday and went to my sister's house.  It was nice to have some time to catch up before we went to Children's the next day.

Jude swam in Care Care's tub...
Watched the game with Uncle Andy...
And enjoyed the heck out of some s'mores.
We left Wednesday morning to go to Children's. This was a much better appointment than last time.  He was such a sweet boy while we waited, especially considering he hadn't eaten since the night before.
Running laps in the waiting room
Time for a breather
Played the piano
We were both bored and tired
Jude crawled in the "dirty toy" bin
The MRI lasted about an hour then they brought him back into the little room I was waiting for him in and they recovered him in there.
I asked the RT how many sticks it took to get his iv in.  Of course it only took one!!!!  Much better than the 14 it took them here.  It is so nice to work with people who know what they are doing.

Jude finally woke up and was the most cranky I have ever seen him.  I hear that is normal.  But whew...I was not prepared for that.  Once we were released I drove to our hotel as fast as I could.  I got checked in and to our room and tried to get him happy.  He was not having it.  He couldn't walk because of the anesthesia and it was making him super angry.  I gave him a cup of cheerios and he flung them all over our room and rolled around on the floor crying.  After a couple of hours he calmed down and ate and cheered up.  So I decided we should have a little date at Uncle Julio's.  Like his Daddy, he is a big fan of Julio's tortillas.

We went back to the hotel and Jude played a little before bed.
If there is an empty tub, drawer, basket, or bin, he will crawl into it.  He did this about 200 times before he wanted to go to bed.  He was tired.
The next morning he was up and ready for his appointment at the clinic.
Last time we were at the clinic we had a 5 hour wait.  This time we were back before I even had time to sit down and take a sip of my coffee.  They drew some blood from Jude and he was not happy about it at all.  He didn't like his big purple finger.
We talked to our doctor and met the new NB specialist, Dr. Watt.  She is very nice and was so good with Jude.  I know we are in good hands.  Dr. Plummer told us that Jude's MRI was normal.  We aren't going to do a repeat bone marrow now.  We will continue to watch his labs each month and go back in March for more scans.  That will be the year mark.  Then we can go to labs every other month and scans every 6 months.


James had way too much fun at Nana and Papa's.  When I got back into town and went to pick him up he didn't want to leave Nana's.  I love that he has so much fun with my parents.
Brad was off today and we had a great day with our little family.  James said, "this is a 'booful' (beautiful) family day!"  We took the boys to Jump N was Jude's first time to go there.  Then lunch, naps, shopping, and dinner.
We have a short week then Brad, James and I will be going to San Antonio for Bean's wedding. I'm not looking forward to being away from my little Judie Bug.  This will be the first time I've ever left him.


Anonymous said…
Such a good report!!

I was looking at your pictures. He is losing his "baby face"-- he is growing up so much. Kinda bitter sweet, huh??

Hope you are feeling well.