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On Saturday Brad, the boys and I ran several errands.  After Jude's nap we went back out to finish a few things up.  James was worn out from too many errands.
This one little nap would come back to bite me.  This tiny little cat nap in the car would provide the energy he needed for massive amounts of destruction later that night.

On new year's eve Brad and I put the boys down for bed and snuggled down to watch a movie.  A couple of hours later we heard some banging around in their room.  I looked on the monitor and saw that Jude's bed was nothing but slats.  No mattress.  Not a good sign.  We went into their room and what we saw literally took my breath away.  Not only had James taken all of Jude's bedding and mattress off, he had also taken every single item of clothing off the rails in their closet and piled it on the floor.  He also took everything off the wall of shelves that is on the side of his closet.  One of them, I'm guessing Jude since that's his signature move, emptied a box of wipes too. 
At first I just laughed and went for my camera.  But Brad was mad.  Which made it all even funnier to me.
This pile was a good 2-3 feet deep.
I told James that he was going to have to clean every bit of it up the next morning.  I also took away all cartoon privileges, his toy trains, and chocolate milk for the day.  That was the only thing that got to him.
True to my word I made him clean all of it up the next morning.  It took him 2 hours.  Several things were pulled off the hangers so I had to do those.  I also moved the changing table out of his closet and into his other closet since that is what he was using as a ladder.  We use his 2nd closet as storage for all of their extra clothes and baby stuff.  He's not allowed to go in there.

Nana came over today and we were telling her about it.  I told James to open the 2nd closet to show her where I had put the changing table.  She pointed out that she could just see his wheels turning planning his next "project".  So I did what any wise mother would do.  I told him that is the closet that all of the monsters live in and if he opened it again they would get him.


bonnie said…
That is pretty hilarious! I especially like what you told James about the monsters in the are too funny.
Anonymous said…
Haha! That'll solve that problem! :o)

I think it's a little funny that Brad got mad, too. :o) I'd have had a hard time taking it all seriously, and like you, would have grabbed my camera. ;o)