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Living With Boys

I found some pictures in my camera from our trip that I had forgotten about.  James loved getting to play with all the toys at Aunt Care Care's house.  My sister Carrie has 2 daughters so all of the toys she has are girl toys...which James never gets to play with...and just so happens to love.  For instance, this lovely tea set.

She also made him a super cozy pallet.
So cozy in fact that his Daddy slept down there with him.  I'm so excited to get to see my sisters again this weekend.  They are coming in so we can celebrate my Mom's birthday!

This morning I went into get the boys and immediately noticed a big goose egg and bruise on Jude's forehead.  It didn't photograph well so mostly you are just going to have to take my word for it.  It's gnarly. 
James wasted no time telling me that he didn't do it.  I questioned him further and he held to his claim that he had nothing to do with it.  As the day went on details about the mystery bump emerged here and there.  He fell off the bed or he got it when he was playing in the closet.  Conflicting stories but I figured they all somehow worked together to end up in a goose egg on Judie Bug's sweet head.  (Brad said he looks like a unicorn). 

Tonight after I put the boys down I heard Jude cry and went into see what was going on.  James said that he hit Jude in the head with his Percy flashlight.  He also told me that is what he did last night that gave Jude the bump on his head.  Hmmm.  So now the truth comes out.  With a SMILE no less!!!!!!  Oh my word.  Lord help my children because I just might loose it.  Brad was at the gym and the only energy I could muster up for punishment was to take away his Percy light and move Jude out of his room, which he hates.  (Jude loves it though because he actually gets to sleep).  After talking to Brad, my Mom, and both of my sisters, I feel a little better about things.  Boys will be boys, but a little discipline is needed.  Maybe I won't call Boys Ranch tomorrow to see if they have a spot for my 3 year old delinquent.  I have dusted off my copies of Bringing Up Boys and Dare To Discipline however.

Jude not only woke up with a goose egg but also very cranky and sick.  I was hoping the one shot of antibiotics would take care of his strep throat but that is never the case with Jude.  So we took him back into Dr. Honey today and he has a resistant form of strep.  He is on another antibiotic.  Hopefully this will knock it out.  Poor little guy feels so crummy.

I can't wait until he can defend himself.  He is going to give James a run for his money.  I better hide the Percy light for good.
But for now, Jude is sleeping peacefully (and safely) in the pack-n-play.  I'll deal with the rest in the morning.
Earlier today, I was busy ignoring my kids on the computer and heard James get into the fridge.  Then I saw Jude walk in with a bottle of teriyaki sauce and a bottle of lime juice.  A few minutes later James came running in and said, "Momma!!!!  EMERGENCY!!!!  EMERGENCY!!!!! We made a big BIG mess in the kitchen."  I went in to see that they (not sure who to I'll blame them both) had poured the entire bottle of lime juice all over the kitchen floor.  It would have been less sticky if they had just poured a bottle of glue all of the floor.
Some days I think they delight in finding ways to make me crazy.  They almost succeeded today.
While we were driving to San Antonio last weekend we got real familiar with the GPS voice telling us where to turn...then "recalculating"...then telling us again where to go.  James heard her a lot.  Today while we were out running errands, in a very soothing, calm voice James said, "Turn left.  Then turn right."  Goofball.

My life was so boring, and non-sticky, before my little boys.


Erin said…
LOL! I remember tormenting my little brother Phil (we're 22 months apart) often...I used to squeeze his cheeks - hard; sometimes I left bruises - whenever I got angry with him. My mom told me to just wait, he was going to haul off and hit me one day. Well he did. And I never hit him again. (And now he's a big burly man, so I definitely don't squeeze his cheeks anymore.)