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Put Your Nose In The Corner

I've mentioned this book before...31 Days of Praise by Ruth Myers.  My BSF discussion group leader at the time, Helen, gave a copy of it to me 12 1/2 years ago when I lost stillborn twin daughters.  Year after year, month after still proves to be relevant.  I've memorized so many of the pages...or even just quotes that are a comfort.  The first copy I had was tear-soaked, torn, highlighted, underlined, and read to pieces so I had to get a new copy a few years ago.  James got a hold of it one morning and colored on several of the pages...which only makes me love it more.  It is a precious reminder of the little blond-headed boy that is often tucked by my side as we read the Bible each morning together.

The 23rd and 24th of each month I always remember what happened in March of this year.  Jude's diagnosis and surgery.  Those days in 31 Days were particularly meaningful and timely.  Even with the rough few days we've been having lately.

Day 23-I praise you in advance for the part these difficult things are going to play in Your good plan for us-in eventual deliverance and growth and fruitfulness.  I'm grateful that in all these things, the battle is not mine but Yours-and that the final chapter has not yet been written.

Thank you that these trials force me to trust You more!

All things are Your servants.  You're a God who acts on behalf of the one who puts his hope in You.  Thank you that You are at work to answer my prayers in Your good way and time.

Day 24-I praise You that "all things", including these, can contribute to my spiritual growth and my experience of You...When my heart is overwhelmed, I'm more aware of my need to cry to take refuge in rely on You.
And here is a particularly pathetic picture of James.
He has been in a lot of trouble yesterday and today for disobedience.  We have decided it is time to crack down on his "willful acts of disobedience".  And that means lots of time with his nose in the corner.  It breaks our hearts.  We finally really understand that those times when our parents told us it hurt them more than it hurt us...was really true.  But what would break my heart more would be for him to grow up to be a man with no respect for the Lord, authority, family, others, for him to be a brat with no self-control or consideration of other people, or to do things that please himself without regard to how it makes others feel.  I know this is all A LOT for a 2 year old (nearly 3!), but he seems to be pushing the boundaries in these areas lately.  I know this is normal and I am under no illusions that my child would escape this phase unscathed.  So here we the thick of raising a toddler/preschooler who is exhibiting his independence...just when everything else seems to be a little crazy.  Figures.  But I do know this: That the Lord intends all of this for good.  All that is going on that is stressful, anxiety-inducing, tiring, upsetting...the Lord can use for our good.


Celee said…
You are wonderful about giving God the glory in all things- especially the difficult. And you will be blessed for your consistent training with James- and so will he! I'm finally at the point where I can see that it really does pay off down the line. And the Lord knew I would need to be able to see that by the time Lucie came along : ).
Anonymous said…
What a great book. I'm going to have to take a look at that one! I'm so sorry to hear about the loss of your twins. That is just heartbreaking! You sure have been through a whole lot.

James needs those times in the corner. Don't feel too bad. We did the same with Lexie and by 5, all we had to do was just look at her a certain way and she'd stop whatever it was she was doing wrong. Haven't much needed to discipline her since!