Our two BSF days are early and long days. So I try to prepare myself. Nothing could have prepared me for today. This morning started out with realizing that Jude's diaper had busted open and those nasty gel bead things had gotten everywhere. Normally that would not be too big of a deal except for that we don't have a shower, bath, washing machine, or hot water. (We've been showering and doing laundry at Mom and Dad's in case you worry that we have not had showers). So Jude got a cold bath in the kitchen sink and did not like it (or me) at all.
After BSF we went back to Mom and Dad's, ate lunch, and then I put the boys down for a nap. I was pleased that James was actually napping. So I took the opportunity to take a nap myself. Bad decision.
Jude woke up and I went in and got him and then heard James talking from the room he was in. I went into get him and before I had even turned the lights on he said, "My marker!" I knew what had happened before I even saw it.
The look on my face began to register in his mind.
I was more stunned than anything else. Then as my tunnel vision began to broaden, I started to feel sick.
Doors |
WHITE bedspread |
Shades |
Puppy |
Face |
Arms and hands |
Belly |
Clothes |
...and much, much more. Let me tell you...he is one lucky little boy that Nana had a Mr. Clean Magic Eraser. He owes that man his life.
I spent the afternoon scrubbing, washing, bleaching, and re-making the bed. The real kicker was when I found the culprit...
Active Minds? Should be named "Active Hands".
When I had finally finished scrubbing, I sat up and looked around. James had been standing by supervising and joyfully exclaimed, "GOOD JOB MOMMY!"
Thanks kid.