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We've Got Issues

It's no secret that I have certain issues...I've not hidden it from you. For instance, my compulsivity to check to make sure the door is locked 50 times before I go to bed. My obsessive tidiness. The fact that I am scared senseless of owls. All the little quirks that caused my Mom to label me as "finely wired". Well, more and more I am seeing some of these traits show up in James. He likes things to be lined up neatly. I get it! So do I! He likes to line his trucks up on the counter or underneath that little ledge under the counter. I saw him doing it this morning and couldn't help but admire his handiwork. A job well-done!We were both very proud of him.This morning when I dressed James in his overalls, he looked down at them and rubbed his belly and said, "It's Papa!!!!". It was so sweet. Here are my two overall boys.Just like I am freaked out by clowns, owls and goats...James seems to have a fear of jack-o-lanterns. I can't blame him. That just doesn't seem normal. Today at Nana and Papa's, all the boys were helping Papa carve a pumpkin. All the boys minus James who stayed safely in Nana's arms (nervously chewing on a blow-up volleyball...weird).Even when Will tried to coax him over just for a picture, he was giving the pumpkin the side-eye. You can't be too careful around pumpkins with faces. We will be keeping our pumpkins whole around here so as to avoid any costly therapy bills in the future due to pumpkin issues. The kid is going to have enough to deal with.


Celee said…
We have issues, too. At least my oldest and I do. I first noticed his issues when I walked into his room one day and saw he had all 20 or so of his comic books lined up on the floor in chronological order. I love it! But I do think it's a bit weird that he wears his socks inside out so he doesn't feel that line at the end of the toe. Another benefit- clean bathrooms! I've always heard horror stories of boys and their bathrooms. Not so with my boys. Poor Wyatt, I guess I've made him this way, but whatever works, right?
