Jude is normally a very chill kid. Until tonight when he decided to be cranky for AN HOUR. I tried gas drops. I tried rocking him. I tried the binkie. Nothing. Until I laid him on my chest and started singing the first song that popped into my head, which unfortunately was Crash. He's a DMB fan. Who knew. I better dig the cd out. Here he is in his DMB-induced zen state.
I wanted to get a picture of James and Jude in their big brother, little brother shirts. Jude needed a moment to prepare. What a diva.
James is always camera-ready.
James might go as a Bee for Halloween...except not Halloween but the non-Halloween thing at our church. He also might go as a turtle because Brad thinks it would be cooler. We'll see.
Jude will probably go as a baby. Or a pumpkin. Or a baby pumpkin.
James wanted to snuggle in bed with me tonight. That is an offer that is not usually turned down because he is so cute. And because he had a rough day. He sprayed kitchen cleaner in his eyes and on his face...hence the flaming red cheeks. Poor guy. Cabinet locks will be installed shortly.
I had to take him to bed though because it is time for me to watch The Biggest Loser and eat probably all of the almond joys out of the Halloween candy. A contradiction but o-well.
James wanted to snuggle in bed with me tonight. That is an offer that is not usually turned down because he is so cute. And because he had a rough day. He sprayed kitchen cleaner in his eyes and on his face...hence the flaming red cheeks. Poor guy. Cabinet locks will be installed shortly.