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Cousins, Collisions, & Cuddles

Thursday, my cousin Chelsea brought her fiance Eric to town so we could meet him. He is great and they are a perfect match. It makes me feel old that my baby cousin is getting married. I am old.
After Chelsea and Eric left, James, Will, Grant and Brock were playing outside and James had an unfortunate run-in with the bottom of the see-saw swing 2 of the boys were playing on. It was very scary for all of us. It hit him right in the neck and knocked him over.
Later he ate some blueberries. Creepy.Even James looked creeped out.

Today we had lunch with some of our best friends-Miah, Amber, Madison & Sawyer...and Chris, Sarah & Charly. Miah and Chris are twins and have been Brad's best friends since 7th grade. James LOVES them.After lunch James had to get some immunizations. It was NOT fun. The nurse accidentally stuck him before she was ready to give the shot so she had to poke him twice for the first shot. On the second one she hit the muscle. By the third one James' lips had turned blue from crying so hard. But he got a sucker in the end so he was ok.

James has gotten thoroughly spoiled & cuddled tonight. He even got his favorite meal for dinner....french toast with berries and whipped cream.
