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A Day Out With Thomas

James LOVES Thomas the Tank Engine.  And by "loves", I mean "is obsessed with".  So when my sister found out that Thomas was going to be in her area, Brad and I knew we wanted to take him.  He knew we were going to see Aunt Care Care but didn't know that we were going to see Thomas.  We told him that morning and he was so excited!  As we were walking to the train station he kept kissing my hand.  Brad and I were every bit as excited to see his response as he was to see Thomas. 

We are SO thrilled we went.  The event was awesome and so much fun for James.  It was not too big so James didn't get too worn out but big enough to keep his attention for several hours. 

Here are our pictures from the weekend...there are a lot. 

We left town Friday morning.  We had planned to leave early but needed to take Jude in to see Dr. Honey before we left town.  I'm glad we did.  He ended up needing to be on a 2nd round of antibiotics.  Once we were on the road, the time went by quickly.  James asked me to sing with him while we were driving and I told him I couldn't right then because I needed to help Daddy drive and be his navigator.  He said, "Why are you Daddy's alligator?"

We dropped Judie Bug off with Aunt Care Care, Uncle Andy, Morgan and Madison.  He was thrilled.  I was thankful he was being cared for by a doctor instead of me.  What a relief.  Friday night we checked into our hotel and James thought that was going to be the fun part because I let him jump on the beds when we stay in hotels.  He wasted no time get right down to business.
The next morning we got ready for the big event!  James still didn't know what we were doing.
 We told him at breakfast.  It didn't really sink in.
 Then it hit him once he started seeing everything.  THE REAL THOMAS!!!!!!!!
Getting a tattoo of James the red engine
With Daddy in front of the diesels
Playing in the Thomas bouncy house
Riding the "tiny train" with Mommy.

Finally getting to meet Sir Topham Hatt
Waiting to board the real train.
Here comes Thomas!!!

On the train
My blue-eyed boys
The conductor coming by to punch tickets
James was thrilled to have his tickets punched
Time to go.  James was a tired engine.
 We went back to Carrie's that afternoon.  James was missing his Judie Bug.
Later we laid around and felt Katy Jane kick.  James already loves her so much.  He calls her "the new Katy Jane".
 The next morning we went to South Lake for some shopping before heading back to Amarillo. 
 The boys were pretty good to put up with all of my shopping.
 But once we got in the car Jude was out.
 James held out a little longer. 
 We had such a fun weekend and are so glad we went.


Unknown said…
I'm so glad to see pix! I've been stalking your blog to see if you had posted any yet! :) What a great trip and surprise for James!! Love the pictures!!
Steph said…
Annabelle would have died to see Thomas! So jealous- of your trip, how tiny you are for being so far along and how unbloated your face gets while pregnant.
lindsaybartels said…
I'm so glad you all had so much fun!! It looked like a blast!!
Jen said…
SO fun! We drove down Grapevine main street and happened to see the big event on Friday afternoon! Looked like a blast! Sorry we didnt get to hang out but glad yall had fun! Next time we're in Amarillo we can grab some Fazzleberrys!
Anonymous said…
What fun Stephanie. We did that with Matt and Madi-Grammy had as much fun as they did! Tell your Mom and Dad "Hi" for us!
Gaye Lynn and Larry