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The Things He Says

This morning James was nestled in beside me while I drank my always.  He is my little sidekick.  If he is not right by my side or hanging from me in some way...he is not far away.  I love it.  I was like that with my Mom.  As we were smooshed together on the couch he told me he was going to donate his socks. 

Me: "Why do you want to donate your socks?"

James: "Because."

Me: "Do you know what donate means?"

James: "Yes.  What?"

Me: "It means to give something to someone else for free.  Like if you don't need something anymore you can donate it for someone else to use."

James: "I'm going to donate Jude."


Most days I just pull my hair back in a pony tail if we are just going to be hanging out around the house or playing outside.  James was pulling my pony tail yesterday and I told him to stop.  He said, "What is a pony tail!?"  Obviously very alarmed by the odd name.  This morning he asked me if I was going put horsey hair on my head again.
Brad planted some new grass seed in our yard.  It has been a matter of much discussion around here and we are constantly telling the boys to stay off the grass.  Yesterday James wanted to feel the new grass.  He rubbed it for awhile and then said, "Hmmm.  It feels just like watermelon." 


For the record...we are keeping Jude.  He will not be in the donate pile.  This time.


Steph said…
LOL!!! James is so funny!!! I will take Jude any day!
Unknown said…
So funny! I miss those boys! These are such adorable ages!! I love you guys!!