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Brotherly Love

It was a long day but I finally got us all packed and ready to load up and leave town in the morning.  Mom took Jamesie to the discovery center today so I could pack.  Apparently there is an owl exhibit (owls are my least favorite animal ever) and James has not stopped talking about it.  From what I gather, they were dead, stuffed, real owls.  There was one owl in particular that has really been a hot topic of conversation though.  James said, "There was this mean owl who was standing on a bunny that was asleep!"  James has been mortified at the rudeness of it all.  I don't want to tell him that Mr. Bunny was not sleeping...

I have enjoyed two days of the boys getting along beautifully and actually wanting to play together!  I pray this nice little trend continues.
Jude must be feeling a little better because he is getting his appetite back and is starting to be cheerful more than cranky.
It's about darn time.

Pending a few little health issues with Jude, we hope to be out of here bright and early.  I am so excited for the surprise we have in store for James!
