Saturday night Brad ate a piece of bacon-wrapped chicken (not prepared by me btw, lest you think I tried to poisoned him). A little while later he started feeling sick. He couldn't even smell the food without needing to throw up.
By about 9:30 pm he was in excruciating pain. I won't go into all of the graphic details of his intestinal woes...but I am sure you can figure it out.
I called my brother-in-law Andy (he's a doc) to see if we should go to the ER. He said we should go. So I called my Mom to see if she could come over so we could leave James in bed. Brad didn't even make it to the car before the barfing started. Copious amounts of barf. We waited for a cessation in the puke and then made a mad dash for the ER.
We got there at 10 pm and finally got back to a room about 11:00. Things rapidly went downhill from there. Brad's pain just got worse and worse. I have never seen anyone in that much pain. It scared me. After 3 hours, a lot of prayer, much begging-and some crazy, erratic, delirious pain-induced behavior from Brad-he finally got some pain meds. And he slept. I was so thankful.
They did some blood work, a CAT scan and gave him an IV. He was majorly dehydrated and his veins kept collapsing. His white blood cells were elevated, his bilirubin was elevated and his liver enzymes were elevated. They told us he was going to be admitted.
We were finally put in a real room at 5:00 am. He didn't get more pain meds or his IV for another 3 hours. Ridiculous. And we had the world's worst nurse ever in the history of the universe. Ever. Brad was in agony and I hadn't slept in 24 hours...I had not an ounce of patience or loveliness left in me. Thankfully her shift was over at 8:00 am.
When Brad was in the shower this morning I heard lots of words coming from the bathroom that clued me into the fact that he was hurting again. I leapt the recliner and hospital bed in a single bound to find out what was going on. Turns out they make hospital showers for garden gnomes and tall ol Brad took a chunk out of his nugget on the shower head.
So...after 5 doctors, countless nurses, IVs, tests, sonograms, CAT scans, ice chips, sprite, and whatever else...they finally concluded that Brad had a viral infection of the intestines aggravated by stress and dehydration.
2 other medical professionals that we've consulted think it was food poisoning. Brad and I agree.
Brad was beyond ready to get home. He asked the nurse this morning to unplug his IV so he could put a real shirt on.
Brad was sick of the hospital bed because it made him all sweaty. I found it lovely and comfortable and tried to think of ways to sneak it out.
Finally Nurse Barbara came and told us Brad was getting out! He did a happy jig.
I've never had the opportunity to see Brad in a wheelchair before. So of course I took a picture.
Looks like the wheelchair pusher has posed for a few of these pics before.
Now, take a minute if you will, to imagine what you would NOT want to see upon pulling into your driveway.
This would've been pretty high up on my list.
It seems as if the meters on the side of one of the apartments exploded and caught the building on fire. Nice. Our apartment was not involved. Thank you Lord.
But after all of the sickness, puke, hospital, nurses, doctors, fires and drama...this little guy made everything ok.
Those bountiful lips make everything ok.
I am so thankful that Brad is now recuperating comfortably at home. He is not feeling so great right now but I am praying the Lord will continue to heal him.
As I have been typing this post, Brad has started to get sick again. I just ran and got him some ginger ale and crackers. I hope he doesn't get bad again.
By about 9:30 pm he was in excruciating pain. I won't go into all of the graphic details of his intestinal woes...but I am sure you can figure it out.
I called my brother-in-law Andy (he's a doc) to see if we should go to the ER. He said we should go. So I called my Mom to see if she could come over so we could leave James in bed. Brad didn't even make it to the car before the barfing started. Copious amounts of barf. We waited for a cessation in the puke and then made a mad dash for the ER.
We got there at 10 pm and finally got back to a room about 11:00. Things rapidly went downhill from there. Brad's pain just got worse and worse. I have never seen anyone in that much pain. It scared me. After 3 hours, a lot of prayer, much begging-and some crazy, erratic, delirious pain-induced behavior from Brad-he finally got some pain meds. And he slept. I was so thankful.
They did some blood work, a CAT scan and gave him an IV. He was majorly dehydrated and his veins kept collapsing. His white blood cells were elevated, his bilirubin was elevated and his liver enzymes were elevated. They told us he was going to be admitted.
We were finally put in a real room at 5:00 am. He didn't get more pain meds or his IV for another 3 hours. Ridiculous. And we had the world's worst nurse ever in the history of the universe. Ever. Brad was in agony and I hadn't slept in 24 hours...I had not an ounce of patience or loveliness left in me. Thankfully her shift was over at 8:00 am.

When Brad was in the shower this morning I heard lots of words coming from the bathroom that clued me into the fact that he was hurting again. I leapt the recliner and hospital bed in a single bound to find out what was going on. Turns out they make hospital showers for garden gnomes and tall ol Brad took a chunk out of his nugget on the shower head.

So...after 5 doctors, countless nurses, IVs, tests, sonograms, CAT scans, ice chips, sprite, and whatever else...they finally concluded that Brad had a viral infection of the intestines aggravated by stress and dehydration.

Brad was beyond ready to get home. He asked the nurse this morning to unplug his IV so he could put a real shirt on.

Brad was sick of the hospital bed because it made him all sweaty. I found it lovely and comfortable and tried to think of ways to sneak it out.

Finally Nurse Barbara came and told us Brad was getting out! He did a happy jig.

I've never had the opportunity to see Brad in a wheelchair before. So of course I took a picture.

Now, take a minute if you will, to imagine what you would NOT want to see upon pulling into your driveway.
This would've been pretty high up on my list.

But after all of the sickness, puke, hospital, nurses, doctors, fires and drama...this little guy made everything ok.

Those bountiful lips make everything ok.

I am so thankful that Brad is now recuperating comfortably at home. He is not feeling so great right now but I am praying the Lord will continue to heal him.
As I have been typing this post, Brad has started to get sick again. I just ran and got him some ginger ale and crackers. I hope he doesn't get bad again.